CEG Digital

Cambridge Education Group Digital uses a repurposed version of CoDesignS to support the design and development of its online programmes.


The blue and green cards showcase examples of online learning activities developed with different CEG partners: Queen Mary University of London, Falmouth University, University of Hull, among others.

Workshop – University of Hull

A Learning Design Workshop was delivered at the University of Hull in June 2019 as part of the University Teaching Excellence Academy Summer Programme. The workshop introduced the CEG Digital Pedagogic Framework used by CEG Learning Designers to guide and support academics in the design and development of weekly online learning materials.

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The workshop was aimed at academic and non-academic members of staff who have a responsibility in the design, delivery or evaluation of training and education at the University of Hull. Academics with an interest in transforming their programmes for an online market were particularly encouraged to attend this workshop.

CEG Digital – Research

CEG Digital’s learning design framework has been featured in The International Journal of Higher Education: Assessing Student Engagement in Online Programmes.

Copyright 2020